Her Own Help
Making the path forward manageable
Divorce - Before, During, & After
Divorce has a lot of phases and a lot of moving parts. What once was a group project is now yours alone. But good news -- you're not alone! We can help you walk through this and make one piece at a time manageable. From the period before a divorce, where you're trying to decide what you need to do, to afterwards, where you get to write your own story.
During a Divorce
Documentation and Organization
You've either been there, or you're there now. Your world, as you pictured it, is falling apart, you're trying to wrap your brain around what the next phase looks like, and your attorney wants to get what seems like 400 documents together, uploaded, organized, and turned in to the court in a matter of weeks. Where do you even start? With us. So you can focus on the bigger stuff.
After a Divorce -
Reassessing your financials
While a divorce may seem like the "end" to a story, it's also the beginning - you get to write what comes next. We can help you figure it out. Don't want ESPN at home any more? Think you might be able to unload a few more subscriptions, but you'd like to work in room for a Pilates Studio membership? We can figure out which funds to shuffle, which expenses are important, and which aren't. Let't pull it apart and make sense of it all.
After a Divorce
Re-entering the workforce
This is a biggie. Sure, you've got skills. you've always had skills, but how do you put those on a resume, and where do you start to even look to find a professional identity again? Let's talk through what your skills are, how to wordsmith those to fit a resume, and then work on some networking together using our network and yours (and yes, you have more of a network than you realize, in all likelihood) and see where this next step might take you. It might be a several step process, but let's find the first step, and then plan the second so you can see your way forward.
After a Divorce
Maintenance -- All the honey do things
It's never as obvious what someone does until they're no longer doing those things. As women, we are too often accustomed to making things magically work in the background, for our spouses, or families, and even our workplaces. When a life partner is gone, we are on the other side of this. I've heard friends in the midst of this change say things like "I don't even know who my electric provider is, much less how to figure out whether I should change it" or "How do I know whether my property taxes are included with my mortgage My husband always handled that." Good news! We handle that. Whats even better, we can teach you how to handle it yourself, and make the process simpler than you fear it will be.